Zig Ziglar is one of the greatest motivational speakers and his speech on goals is a classic. It contains some wonderful ideas that will help you set your goal.
The video below is audio-only so it is great to listen to while you are working on your computer. If you want to listen in your car, check out the paragraph below the video.
I really enjoyed the video below and even downloaded it (using free YTD software) to my computer. My video software (Camtasia) allowed me to convert the video to audio so I could listen to it in my car.
I saw Zig Ziglar speak in person a couple of times. The first time was in Chicago around 1997 and he was wonderful. The last time was in Hartford and his health had taken a toll on his mind. He still had a wonderful voice but he lost track of his speech a number of times.
Other fans of Zig Ziglar . . .
Seth Godin, marketing guru,
Excerpt below is from Zig Ziglar’s Goal Setting & Achievement book titled “Pick Four”, (curated by Seth Godin):
“Then I found Zig. His selling program, his eighteen tapes on motivation, and most of all, his thinking on goals. Zig Ziglar, a door-to-door cookware salesman who was born in Yazoo City, came to the rescue of a Stanford MBA who was lost.
The tapes are a hoot, and they’re worth whatever it takes to get your hands on a set. I listened over and over – listened to at least seventy-two hours’ worth of Zig, at thirty plays a recording. And it started to work.
Within a month I had written down all the steps he describes in his goals program, and I started following the steps. Drip, drip, drip. Day by day, bit by bit, I started making progress. And then, quietly, my progress started accelerating. Suddenly, the bricks started falling into place, sales were made, personal goals achieved.
It works.”
Have you set your goal or wish yet?
Here is a bonus video by Zig Ziglar talking about “getting out of the box”. It applies to goal setting as much as anything… Enjoy.
About Zig Ziglar
Source: www.wikipedia.org (edited for brevity)

Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar (November 6, 1926 – November 28, 2012) was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker. Zig Ziglar was born in Coffee County in southeastern Alabama to parents John Silas Ziglar and Lila Wescott Ziglar. He was the tenth of twelve children. In 1931, when Ziglar was five years old, his father took a management position at a Mississippi farm, and his family moved to Yazoo City, Mississippi, where he spent most of his early childhood. The next year, his father died of a stroke, and his younger sister died two days later.
Ziglar served in the United States Navy during World War II, from 1943 to 1945. He was in the Navy V-12 Navy College Training Program and attended the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina.
In 1944, he met his wife, Jean, in the capital city of Mississippi, Jackson; he was seventeen and she was sixteen. They married in late 1946.
Ziglar later worked as a salesman in a succession of companies. In 1968, he became a vice president and training director for the Automotive Performance company, moving to Dallas, Texas.
As of 2010, Ziglar still traveled around taking part in motivational seminars, despite a fall down a flight of stairs in 2007 that left him with short-term memory problems. State Representative Chris Greeley of Maine mentions Ziglar in the credits of his CD on public speaking.
Zig Ziglar wove his Christianity into his motivational work. He was also an open Republican who endorsed former Governor Mike Huckabee for his party’s presidential nomination in 2008.
Ziglar, who had been suffering from pneumonia, died at the age of eighty-six at a hospital in Plano, Texas, on November 28, 2012.
- Ziglar, Zig (1975). See You at the Top. Gretna: Pelican Pub. Co. ISBN 0-88289-126-X. Pelican publisher Milburn E. Calhoun reported his greatest success with See You at the Top, which had been rejected by some thirty publishers previously.
- Ziglar, Zig (1978). Confessions Of A Happy Christian. Gretna: Pelican Pub. Co. ISBN 0-88289-196-0.
- Ziglar, Zig (1982). Zig Ziglar’s Secrets of Closing the Sale. New York: Berkley Books. ISBN 0-425-08102-8.
- Ziglar, Zig (1985). Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World. Nashville: Oliver Nelson. ISBN 0-8407-9039-2.
- Ziglar, Zig (1986). Top Performance: How to Develop Excellence in Yourself and Others. New York: Berkley Books. ISBN 0-425-09973-3.
- Ziglar, Zig (1994). Over the Top. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. ISBN 0-8407-9112-7.
- Ziglar, Zig (1998). Success for Dummies. Foster City, Calif: IDG Books. ISBN 0-7645-5061-6.
- Ziglar, Zig; Hayes, John P. (2001). Network Marketing For Dummies. Foster City, Calif: IDG Books. ISBN 0-7645-5292-9.
- Ziglar, Zig (2003). Selling 101: What Every Successful Sales Professional Needs to Know. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. ISBN 0-7852-6481-7.
- Ziglar, Zig (2004). Confessions of a Grieving Christian. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group. ISBN 0-8054-2745-7.
- Ziglar, Zig (2004). The Autobiography of Zig Ziglar. New York: Random House. ISBN 0-385-50297-4.
- Ziglar, Zig (2006). Better Than Good: Creating a Life You Can’t Wait to Live. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7852-8919-7.
- Ziglar, Zig; Norman, Julie Ziglar (2009). Embrace the Struggle: Living Life on Life’s Terms. New York: Howard Books. ISBN 978-1-4391-4219-6.
- Ziglar, Zig; Ziglar, Tom (2012). Born to Win: Find Your Success Code. Dallas: SUCCESS Media. ISBN 9780983156512.
TheWishbuilder’s note…
Even though Zig Ziglar spoke about goals almost every chance he got, it is surprising that the word “Goals” was not used in his book titles (listed above). I hope you enjoyed the videos on this page and please leave a comment below about what you found the most useful.