Step 1 – Define Your Wish

Before you can be granted your wish or goal, you have to know what it is, right?

Nearly everyone sets new year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year so we won’t spend a lot of time going over how to set a goal except to say that you are going to take 1000 steps to achieve it (more about that in Step 3).  This means that the wish you choose better be something that you really want !

If you want some ideas for goal setting, check out “5 star Goal Setting & Getting” over at or the goal setting companion article at

If you are a bit out of practice in the “Wishing” department, perhaps it makes sense for you to create a wishlist of all the ideas you have for potential wishes and then pick one from that list.  There is an example of this over on the Founder’s Blog post Ironman WishList.  Check it out at

What is your goal?

Write down your goal.  Call it a wish or prayer or whatever you like.  You could even leave it as a comment below.  Commit to making it happen in your life.

“Anything that the mind of man can conceive & believe, he can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill, Author of Think & Grow Rich.

Goal Setting Checklist:

  • Is it specific?
  • Is there a time element?  Can it be scheduled?
  • Is it phrased in the format of “This… or better”?
  • Do you really want it?

Don’t worry if someone else says that you are crazy.  If you believe in your goal and are willing to put in the effort, there is almost nothing that is impossible.