Tag Archives: long run

Ironman update July 2014

In case you are wondering how the Ironman training has been going in July 2014, here is a quick update.  After I did a long run of about 6 miles at the end of June, for some reason, my running habit dried up. Not exactly sure why.  I wasn’t exceptionally sore after that long run.  As a matter of fact, the run was nothing special, except for the fact that it was the first time this year that I did my 6 mile loop.

Whatever the reason, I saw the picture below on Facebook this morning and it got my head back in the Ironman WishBuilder game … so today I will definitely go for a run.

Ironman Triathlon Wont Train For Itself


The Real Ironman Challenge…

What do you do to combat boredom during training?  How do you get yourself “out the door” consistently?  I am sure I CAN do it… I need to “just do it”.  Maybe a sponsorship from Nike is the answer. 😉