Category Archives: success stories

Inspiration Wall – Photo Gallery


Source: Hugh Macleod
“Steve Jobs knew about minimalism. But just because a world-class designer embraces minimalism, doesn’t mean minimalism is always going to create world-class design. A good designer tries to make good design. A bad designer tries to turn it into religion. Like I said, Steve Jobs knew all about it.”

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Source: post on Facebook by Jillian Michaels
You’re worth it, your goal is worth it and you have the ability to achieve that goal. What’s stopping you? Your time is now … let’s talk ->

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Source: post on Facebook by Ty Bennett




Just goofin on the photo gallery 1620446_393532474123970_1815852050_n

Source: Facebook    (this addition to our photo gallery was just to make sure you are paying attention)


Dont Give Up


Source: Facebook, posted by

Why You Started

Source:  Jillian Michaels Facebook post
Let’s find YOUR “why.” It all starts at #MaximizeYourLife;


Goal statistics

 Source: Posted on Facebook by Brian Tracy, goal expert.
Shared by Tom Martin on his Facebook timeline with the added comment, “Of course, 56.3% of all statistics are made up.”


Ambitious Goals

Source: Posted on Facebook by Che Brown – Sales Training and Personal Development Coaching



Source: Addicted2Success, Facebook

Work not Hope

Source: Facebook post by Brian Tracy



Source: Facebook post by Jennifer Nardozzi


If you arent scared

Source: Facebook post by Brian Tracy

We want MORE for our Photo Gallery!

If you have something worthy of inspiration wall photo gallery, maybe something related to your dream, a wish or a great inspirational quote, please leave us a comment anywhere on the site with a link to the image, or saying, or interesting blog post and we will review it for addition to our collection !